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Basic Batteries

In this experiment, we were tasked with building a battery capable of lighting an LED. We used 6 cells that were made of play doh, zinc...

Yeasty Yeast Production

The present study tested the effects of different types of sugar on the release of carbon dioxide in yeast. By conducting various...

Mesmerizing Medical Studies

As a class, we deciphered a medical case study on bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance appears when bacterial...

Eventful Evolution Simulations

My group and I did a simulation to show evolution using beans and various silverware. Teams were given either a fork, spoon, or knife and...

Brilliant Bromothymol Blue

In this experiment, I had the choice to design and conduct an experiment of my liking, using Bromothymol Blue Indicator and Carbon...

Fancy Food Calories

In this experiment, we measured the macro nutrient comparison between Cheetos and almonds. By burning the food to raise the water...

Sophisticated Soup Cans

We learned about how energy is transfer between objects through friction. With rope and soup cans, we raised the temperature of the water...

Scintillating SumoBots

In the SumoBot activity, teams built Sumo Bots and "evolved them." Through battles, we understood Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection...

Baffling Betta Fish

The present study on the agonistic response of male siamese fighting fish was conducted out of pure curiosity, surrounding the question...

Marvelous Mealworms

Experiment 1:How does the number of mealworms in a petri dish effect their behavior? Hypothesis: We think that the less mealworms in a...

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